The Lost Butterflies


Finding Hope in Seasons of Loss  & Disappointment is my very first book as a self published author. It was written to offer hope and light to others battling miscarriage and loss. It is an interactive prayer journal devotional and a very special testament to God's love for us even in the midst of disappointment, grief, and loss.


My husband & I battled with secondary infertility for several years. We suffered recurrent miscarriages and as much as we wanted to give up, God was always there reminding us of his love for us and the promise he gave to us. We are now the parents of 3 beautiful children, and give God all of the glory for bringing us through such a difficult journey. Just as God had a promise for us, there is a promise for you too, your story may not look identical to ours, but you can find peace in knowing you are not alone, that is why I share our story, that is my purpose in creating this book. My heart goes out to you, and may you find purpose in the midst if your journey and peace in knowing God is still in control.


Blessings, Angelica